Helping others help themselves. One day, one smile, one meal at a time.
OHM (Our Helping Meals), our community outreach, was created in March 2020 as response to the covid-19 pandemic to support single family households (particularly single mothers) and economically disadvantaged, immunosuppressed, and elderly individuals. OHM provides no contact delivery of prepared meals, dry goods, gardening supplies, personal care items, and local produce and dairy. Since March 16, 2020 OHM has supplied over 90,000 pounds of food to its 624 participants with assistance from private donors, local businesses, farms, and non profit organizations.
OHM provides emergency grocery services, free SNAP education, resource management, meal preparation, and sensory food aversion therapy programs. As of August 2021, 40% of our original OHM participants no longer needed our assistance. By incorporating a community education element to our programs we are providing individuals an opportunity to help themselves succeed and break the chains of our toxic charity culture.